Washington, DC, November 22, 2018 – Over the past month, the lawyers at Lee/Shoemaker PLLC are thankful for the opportunity to support the local AIA chapters at their annual award events. On October 12, 2018, James F. Lee, Jr. and Jonathan C. Shoemaker celebrated with the AIA-Potomac Valley at the 2018 Design + Leadership Gala, with Lee/Shoemaker PLLC serving as one of the Napkin Sketch Sponsors. On October 19, 2018, J. Scott Shannon, Paul E. Knupp, III, Dalene A. Radcliffe, and Cooper A. Littlejohn joined AIA-Baltimore at the Excellence in Design Awards Celebration. On November 16, 2018, at the AIA-DC Design Fete, James F. Lee, Jr. and Jonathan C. Shoemaker toasted the success and honorees of the chapter over the previous year.

The team at Lee/Shoemaker PLLC wishes to extend our congratulations to all of the award winners and honorees from the past year! The opportunity to catch up with our clients at these events and to witness the transformative work performed by the talented architects in our community inspires us in our own practice!